Archive for September, 2013

Excellent Merge

Yet another brilliant move while merging from I-215 to I-15! An SUV was rather impatient to get over, having driven behind some slow cars for the past few minutes. He hopped over two lanes, and then when the drivers there proved no better, started merging again to the middle lane. The cars there began slowing down just as he did that, and so he hastily abandoned his attempt.

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Monday, September 30th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Paint Crew

While driving to work this morning, I passed a series of trucks painting new lines on the road. I’d never seen them doing the freeway before, and found it rather interesting.


Monday, September 30th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Draper Rain

There have been several recent rainstorms recently in Utah. I happened to be driving through a rather intense part of one today. Getting off the freeway, the surface appeared totally smooth aside from the rain impacts, as there was a layer of water on the surface.
At the second stop light, it is raining hard enough that there is an inch or so of water flowing around the cars, and the cars leave wakes when traveling through the intersection. There are a few bumps and dips in the road which cause large splashes.


Friday, September 13th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Yet Another Close Call

While driving home today, there was yet another close call at the I-215/I-15 interchange. There were a series of cars in front of me. They were following the usual behavior pattern for the area – try to go as fast as possible, pass as many cars as possible, and merge at the very last second. This time it happened with two cars in a row, and the second car nearly caused a collision when he tried to drift over into the already occupied space.

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Monday, September 9th, 2013 Videos No Comments