Archive for October, 2013

Cop Doesn’t Stop for Accident

While driving home from work today, there was a wreck at the I-215/I-15 interchange. This is hardly exciting (just take a look at all the other videos I’ve posted here of close calls at the same place), but there was a rather interesting thing that happened with this one.
The wreck was still quite new – the drivers were still getting out of their cars to see what happened. As I passed cars in the left lane, I noticed that there was a highway patrolman there (UHP 058 or 059, I don’t remember which precisely, and I can’t tell which from the video). He started trying to get over to stop and help (you can see his turn signal start going), but as he passes the wreck, he seems to think better of it and drives off. I followed him past several exits before losing sight of him, and he never seemed to return to the scene.
I found this rather odd; but before totally jumping on the patrolman for not stopping at the scene of the accident, please understand that I don’t know if he found out there was another cop already on the way, if he decided it wasn’t a bad enough wreck to stop (the cars were unscathed; even the license plate holders weren’t bent or broken), if he had more pressing business elsewhere, or if it was against policy in someway for him to stop.
I just found it interesting, and as with the rest of my videos, decided to post it.

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Friday, October 25th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Dodging Debris

While driving on I-215 today near the California Ave exit, there was a large metal bracket/brace/implement sitting in the road. We managed to avoid it, but my dashcam got a good look at it.

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Thursday, October 24th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Left-turn Twist

While driving in the area of the Draper Temple, there is an intersection with stop signs on only three corners. A couple girls were driving and thought it was a 4-way stop instead of 3-way, and tried quite hard to run into me.


Thursday, October 24th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Traffic Pileup

By a stroke of luck, I got an excellent video of how traffic jams start. In this movie the cars start to pile up, I went around them, and noticed that at the head of the traffic was a pair of cars going about 55mph. The remainder of the cars couldn’t get out from behind them because they needed to get off at the next exit. Had the traffic been slightly heavier, the jam could’ve stretched for miles and led to bumper-to-bumper traffic.

Thursday, October 24th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Slightly Orange…

Arriving at an intersection on 106th S, the light turned red, but one enterprising pickup decided it wasn’t quite red enough for him.

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Wednesday, October 23rd, 2013 Videos No Comments

Lane Change Ballet

Despite being the middle of the day, there was a rather large amount of traffic at the I-15/I-215 interchange. This caused a large amount of quick lane changes; making a nice interweaving of merges.


Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 Videos No Comments

Exit Hop

In a particularly tricky section of freeway on I-215 with very close onramps and exits, a certain pickup truck decided almost too late that his exit was upcoming.

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Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 Videos No Comments

Cell Phone Driving

While driving home today, I noticed that the car in front of my was drifting from side to side in their lane. As I got closer, the drifting intensified, and upon passing the car, I noticed that the girl driving was glancing down frequently at her cell phone… Hoorah for cell phone driving…

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Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 Videos No Comments