Archive for March, 2014

Mustang Exit

While waiting for my exit behind a large semi, a Mustang nearly missed his exit. He’d been driving next to me for some time (I must say, I was admiring the car quite a bit), and then suddenly noticed his exit was passing. He immediately hopped over through my lane to the exit, long after the actual exit lane had passed. Had he been a few moments later, it could’ve been rather messy.

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Friday, March 21st, 2014 Videos No Comments

Close Merge

Near the I-215/I-15 interchange, the far-right lanes merge. This causes problems occasionally, when people don’t notice or merge over in time. Today that nearly caused a chain reaction crash.
The truck pulling the trailer noticed at the last moment that the lanes changed, flipped his blinker on, and started moving over. The startled chevy next to him jerked to the side; nearly colliding with the el camino.

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Tuesday, March 18th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Crazy Taxi

While driving today, I noticed a cab driver who seemed to have some difficulty staying inside the lines. The car you are looking for cuts in from the right across a few lanes, and then stays (more or less) in one of the left lanes. During the course of the minute or so that I was behind him, he drifted back and forth quite a bit.

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Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 Videos No Comments