Archive for May, 2015

Golf Ball vs Windshield

While driving along I-215 near the Murray Parkway golf course, a yellow golf ball was bouncing along the freeway. Unfortunately it soon made contact with my windshield. It left a large crack around the impact mark; multiple concentric rings about the diameter of a basketball.

Pictures are below the break.

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Saturday, May 23rd, 2015 Videos No Comments

Two Exit Misses

On the way back from work today, I drove past the I-215/I-80 interchange. At both the eastbound and westbound exits, two separate vehicles nearly missed their exits.

The first was a semi with a backhoe. The car behind him that properly made his exit had to slam on his breaks to let him in.

The other was an SUV that seemed to decide on the exit just in the nick of time.

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Tuesday, May 12th, 2015 Videos No Comments