Archive for October, 2015

Two Left Turns

In the long line of cars waiting on 13th East at the south end of the valley, one paused to let the waiting cars turn. Both decided to go at once and very nearly collided.

As a sidenote, I’m not sure why I suddenly ran across three video-worthy events after a few weeks of nothing, but that’s how it goes sometimes.

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Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 Videos No Comments

Very Very Orange

At the intersection of State Street and 106th South, a car made a left turn long after the light had turned red – even with the few second grace period, he was nearly in the middle of the intersection when cars started moving the other way.

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Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 Videos No Comments

Lane Merge Close Call

Right before the exit from I-215 south to I-80, a guy in a truck merged to the right lane apparently without checking for cars in the right lane. He noticed too late that there was a car there, and so started a back-and-forth as he decided which lane to stay in.

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Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 Videos No Comments