Winter Storm Cleon – Daytime Driving

From my previous video, the driving conditions slowly worsened throughout the day. By the time I drove home, there was still quite a bit of snow on I-215 and I-15. Many of the local roads were still coated with snow as well.
In the course of my driving on the freeway, I passed a car that had spun out on the side of the freeway as well as a wreck. After getting off of the freeway, there was a garbage truck that blew through a very “orange” light and a car that either couldn’t stop in time for a red light due to the road conditions, or almost ran it.
Quite a few close calls, but not many actual wrecks. Fairly good for the first major storm. There’s quite a bit of ambient driving, so I’d scan through the video for the interesting parts.

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Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 Videos

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