Almost Missed My Exit

Almost Missed His Exit

While driving today, an SUV had been traveling in the far left lane when he suddenly realized that he needed to get off at the exit we were passing. So he hopped across two lanes and barely made the exit.

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Friday, August 1st, 2014 Videos No Comments

Exit Hop

In a particularly tricky section of freeway on I-215 with very close onramps and exits, a certain pickup truck decided almost too late that his exit was upcoming.

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Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 Videos No Comments

Almost Missed His Exit

While driving in the awesome rain today, the big truck that was in the process of passing me suddenly realized that he needed to get off the exit we were driving by. With a beautiful job of signaling, he immediately hopped across my lane, the emergency lane, and narrowly made his exit. As I passed him, I noticed he was talking on a cell phone…

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Saturday, August 24th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Exit Fun

When exiting at the I-15 11400S exit, this rather strange dance took place. The white truck in front of me engaged in a tenuous faceoff with the red car to his left. The red car appeared to be moving over (according to his signal) but never actually moved. Running out of space, the white truck slowed way down, and then was finally able to get over just before the his lane became an exit.

Shortly thereafter, a blue truck realized that he needed to get off at that exit and sped through the narrow gap between them; narrowly making the exit.

As an additional note, the cloud along the top of the frame is smoke from the fire out in Tooele.

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Tuesday, August 13th, 2013 Videos No Comments