Construction Fun

Semi Water Spray

While driving in the rain today I was to the left of a semi. Due to construction-related road unevenness, there were pools of standing water periodically. As the semi went through them it set up jets of water across the neighboring lanes (including mine). at one point the jets went probably 15-20ft into the air (hard to tell against the background clouds).

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Friday, December 16th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Construction Barrel Dodge

There is currently construction ongoing for eastbound I-215 near the I-15 interchange. Today someone apparently had trouble avoiding the barrels, and several of them were hit – one of them even going into the traffic lanes.

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Tuesday, August 11th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Bridge Transport

This morning on the way to work, I passed several semis transporting what appeared to be bridge pieces (likely for the construction in Bountiful).


Thursday, July 2nd, 2015 Videos No Comments

Crazy Repair Workers

While driving this morning, I passed a pair of construction workers doing an incredibly dangerous job of patching the road in darkness, while it was in full use (though the traffic was light due to the hour).


Tuesday, January 14th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Paint Crew

While driving to work this morning, I passed a series of trucks painting new lines on the road. I’d never seen them doing the freeway before, and found it rather interesting.


Monday, September 30th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Dump Truck

While driving down a particularly steep hill in Draper, a dump truck decided to pull out in front of me and then proceed down the remainder of the hill at 10 mph.

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Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 Videos No Comments

Missing Lines

While driving to work this morning, the lane lines suddenly disappeared from one side of the lane I was in. It was highly unusual, and remained missing for the next mile or two. On the way home, driving the opposite way, there were also lines similarly missing. Thankfully the cement panel lines were basically where the paint lines normally would be, so it wasn’t as big of a safety risk as it could’ve been. Still, it was rather unusual.


Monday, July 29th, 2013 Videos No Comments