Definitely Paying Attention to the Road

Phone Drifting

The lady in front of me was drifting from side to side. As the freeway began curving to the right, she kept drifting left – nearly running into the car on her left.
As I drove by I noticed she was on her phone.

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Monday, April 1st, 2019 Videos No Comments

Jeep Not Exiting

The Jeep in front of me was apparently not paying attention, so he ended up almost getting off the freeway and changing his mind at the last moment.

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Thursday, August 17th, 2017 Videos No Comments

Exiting Focus Issues

This afternoon There was a van who apparently wasn’t paying attention to his upcoming exit and had to cut right in front of me to reach it in time. From my other videos you can tell this isn’t exactly uncommon.
Interestingly, the very next exit there was a similar situation, but in reverse – a pickup getting on the freeway procrastinated merging with continuing traffic until he was nearly forced off in the exit-only lane.
Since this both deal with the same procrastination issue, I’ve merged them together.

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Friday, December 30th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Overburdened Van

While merging from I-215 to I-15 today, there was a minivan a few cars ahead of me with three large mattresses on top of it. The effect was rather comical. It also didn’t seem to know where it was going, as it got off the freeway in the wrong exit lane and narrowly missed clipping a few cars as it rushed to cross to the northbound exit instead of being trapped in the southbound lanes.

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Thursday, December 29th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Merging without Looking

For the second time in as many commutes, someone attempted to merge into my lane without signal and would’ve hit me unless I honked at them. In today’s instance, it was an elderly lady who turned the corner apparently without noticing me, and then began moving over to make her turn. After my honk, she was somewhat frantically waving her arms; both in apology to me and then also seemed to be yelling at herself after I’d passed her.

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Monday, December 19th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Semi Merging

During the snowstorm today a semi next to me suddenly decided it was a good idea to merge into my lane with no kind of signal or warning. Luckily he stopped when I honked at him.

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Friday, December 16th, 2016 Videos No Comments

In Red Light Intersection

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Friday, October 14th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Very Very Orange

While driving back tonight a light turned green for me a short time after which someone decided to come through the light that was red for them. They were going so fast that they had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a car that’d turned in front of them.

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Wednesday, June 29th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Planned Exit

This morning I had just merged onto the freeway and was going faster than the cars in the second lane. As I was approaching an SUV near the exit to I-215, they realized that they really wanted to be on that offramp. I slowed suddenly, they hopped over a couple lanes, and just barely made their exit.

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Wednesday, June 29th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Skip a Lane

Immediately after getting on the freeway, this car decided it was imperative that he get over two lanes as quickly as possible – without any kind of signal and regardless of the speed of the traffic in the lane. I happened to be the one in that lane and nearly ran into him.

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Monday, January 18th, 2016 Videos No Comments