Gotta Pass ’em All

Exiting Focus Issues

This afternoon There was a van who apparently wasn’t paying attention to his upcoming exit and had to cut right in front of me to reach it in time. From my other videos you can tell this isn’t exactly uncommon.
Interestingly, the very next exit there was a similar situation, but in reverse – a pickup getting on the freeway procrastinated merging with continuing traffic until he was nearly forced off in the exit-only lane.
Since this both deal with the same procrastination issue, I’ve merged them together.

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Friday, December 30th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Mall Madness

With Christmas approaching, the entrances to the mall around the 106th S exit become rather hectic. Today was no exception. Some cars decided that waiting in line wasn’t good enough for them, attempting to merge late and essentially cut the line. Some pass the light on State Street and then flip around a few hundred yards thereafter.
This video has both.

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Wednesday, December 16th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Traffic Tango

On the weekend, there are many cars trying to turn off to the mall and other shopping locations off of 106th South. This causes quite the backup for anyone trying to get further towards the mountains. Luckily, this time I was able to get around the traffic without much delay.

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Saturday, February 15th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Merging Trouble

It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything about the I-215/I-15 interchange. It’s rather terribly designed, and that has given me a good deal of stuff to post here.
For today’s video, I was driving right at the point where three lanes merge to become two lanes. The left lane disappears into the center lane, but for some reason, people just keep driving in the left lane almost off the side of the freeway.
A lady in a dark SUV came speeding up on the left side. She tried to pass “just one more” car (the one in front of me), but unfortunately didn’t give herself enough time to do so. She ended up slamming on her brakes after it became evident that she’d shortly end up in the median, dropped back, and scooted over in front of me. Had I decided to press the issue, she’d have been clean out of options.

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Wednesday, January 15th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Porsche Passing

While driving home from work today, I again almost got run into on the I-215 to I-15 connection. This time I was behind a truck. He’d slowed down, so I did as well. I was well past the point where the three lanes merge down to two, and there were perhaps 5ft remaining off my left side to the approaching yellow line.
As I was going, I saw a red thing approaching with great speed behind me in my rearview mirror. It turned out to be a Porsche who decided that he wanted to get around me.
He whizzed by with one tire on each side of the orange line, and would’ve run off the edge of the freeway had I not slowed suddenly for him. After getting to I-15, he took off towards the left lanes and was shortly gone from sight, though I was going a bit over the speed limit myself.
A very intelligent move…

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Monday, August 26th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Another Close One

For the second time in less than a week, a car almost drove off the merging where the I-215 to I-15 interchange goes from 3 lanes to 2. This one wanted to pass a semi quite badly and was either not paying attention to the merging, or just didn’t go fast enough. In any case, he was forced to slam on his brakes and narrowly avoided going into the median.
The best part – right after getting to I-15, he hopped across all lanes of traffic to get into the far left lane.

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Friday, August 9th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Almost Off the Road

The interchange from I-215 to I-15 has recently been modified to extend the amount of room that there are 3 lanes available. Unfortunately, the interchange still goes down to two lanes right before merging with I-15. This 3-to-2 lane merging has been problematic, and many cars in the left lane tend to wait until the very last minute to merge over once the left lane ends.
I was driving in the middle lane. The guy next to me decided that he was going to wait until the last possible minute to move over, and almost ran himself off of the road. When he finally cut over, it was without signal and he almost clipped the front of my car.
You can see the lines end between the middle and left lanes, and then he continues speeding up on my left side. It doesn’t look as close from the dashcam in the middle of my windshield, but it was a close thing.

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Friday, August 2nd, 2013 Videos No Comments