I Can Drive in the Snow!

12-14 Record Breaking Storm

This morning marked the first big snow storm in Salt Lake. Over the course of the day, we got about a foot of snow. This provided some interesting morning driving weather.
Merging from I-15 to I-215 proves exciting with any kind of inclement weather, and today was no exception – there was a Prius who’d spun around after smashing their left headlight against the side wall.

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Monday, December 14th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Snow Driving Fun

This morning it was just cold and cloudy, but this afternoon it started snowing. This is a montage of driving through that snow for a good 20 miles or so.


Wednesday, January 8th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Snowy Roads

Due to it snowing quite hard all day, even in the afternoon, the roads were still coated with a good quantity of slush. At least one truck I was near decided to gun it through a yellow light.

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Friday, December 20th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Winter Storm Cleon – Daytime Driving

From my previous video, the driving conditions slowly worsened throughout the day. By the time I drove home, there was still quite a bit of snow on I-215 and I-15. Many of the local roads were still coated with snow as well.
In the course of my driving on the freeway, I passed a car that had spun out on the side of the freeway as well as a wreck. After getting off of the freeway, there was a garbage truck that blew through a very “orange” light and a car that either couldn’t stop in time for a red light due to the road conditions, or almost ran it.
Quite a few close calls, but not many actual wrecks. Fairly good for the first major storm. There’s quite a bit of ambient driving, so I’d scan through the video for the interesting parts.

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Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 Videos No Comments

Winter Storm Cleon – Morning Drive

Driving to work this morning, I ran into the first parts of what has apparently been termed “Winter Storm Cleon.” It steadily got worse as I drove, until snow was accumulating on the freeway. The snow made the road slick, but the danger then came from the wind – it was quite windy and that would try several times to blow me off course. I’ll be posting a vid with more clips from later today once I get it finished. For now, enjoy!


Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 Videos No Comments

First Snowstorm of the Year

While driving to work today, I ran into the first snowstorm of the year. This is a highlight reel of sorts; taking the best from my drive. Some of it is rather hard to see, as a result of the snow.


Tuesday, November 5th, 2013 Videos No Comments