Not My Exit!

Jeep Not Exiting

The Jeep in front of me was apparently not paying attention, so he ended up almost getting off the freeway and changing his mind at the last moment.

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Thursday, August 17th, 2017 Videos No Comments

Exiting Focus Issues

This afternoon There was a van who apparently wasn’t paying attention to his upcoming exit and had to cut right in front of me to reach it in time. From my other videos you can tell this isn’t exactly uncommon.
Interestingly, the very next exit there was a similar situation, but in reverse – a pickup getting on the freeway procrastinated merging with continuing traffic until he was nearly forced off in the exit-only lane.
Since this both deal with the same procrastination issue, I’ve merged them together.

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Friday, December 30th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Overburdened Van

While merging from I-215 to I-15 today, there was a minivan a few cars ahead of me with three large mattresses on top of it. The effect was rather comical. It also didn’t seem to know where it was going, as it got off the freeway in the wrong exit lane and narrowly missed clipping a few cars as it rushed to cross to the northbound exit instead of being trapped in the southbound lanes.

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Thursday, December 29th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Wrong Exit

This one is a bit harder to see than many (I was further back when it happened), so you may want to expand to fullscreen.
While driving south on I-15 today, there was a red sports car that got stuck in one of the exit-only lanes. The truck next to him was in the right lane of the regular travel ones, and was getting off the freeway. The sports car sped up and tried to pass the truck before the exit, but ran out of room. He tried to move over just as the truck began to exit the freeway, and the two nearly collided. At the last moment, he slammed on his brakes and then hopped over into the right lane of continuing traffic.

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Tuesday, April 29th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Wrong Exit

While driving on the connecting ramp between I-15 and I-215, one guy almost took the wrong exit.  In correcting his error, he missed the wall by only a few feet.

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Wednesday, July 31st, 2013 Videos No Comments