Otherwise Occupied

Phone Drifting

The lady in front of me was drifting from side to side. As the freeway began curving to the right, she kept drifting left – nearly running into the car on her left.
As I drove by I noticed she was on her phone.

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Monday, April 1st, 2019 Videos No Comments

Exiting Focus Issues

This afternoon There was a van who apparently wasn’t paying attention to his upcoming exit and had to cut right in front of me to reach it in time. From my other videos you can tell this isn’t exactly uncommon.
Interestingly, the very next exit there was a similar situation, but in reverse – a pickup getting on the freeway procrastinated merging with continuing traffic until he was nearly forced off in the exit-only lane.
Since this both deal with the same procrastination issue, I’ve merged them together.

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Friday, December 30th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Well-Planned U-Turn

The car in front of me decided to turn into a strip mall near the 100th S. Unfortunately the parking lot entrance he chose was closed – the lot was being repaved.
Apparently frustrated, he decided to do a U turn and go back to a prior entrance. Unfortunately I was only a bit behind him, and nearly hit him as he turned in front of me.

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Friday, October 10th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Lane Challenged

While driving to work this morning, I noticed the car in front of me was weaving back and forth in his lane a bit. He may have been distracted, sleepy, on his phone, or any number of other things, but he apparently wasn’t alert and paying attention to the road. He would drift off to one side, correct with a jerk, and then drift off to the other side.

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Tuesday, September 2nd, 2014 Videos No Comments


The car in front of me was clearly looking for a certain house or street to turn into, and as a result, drifted back and forth rather severely.

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Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Crazy Taxi

While driving today, I noticed a cab driver who seemed to have some difficulty staying inside the lines. The car you are looking for cuts in from the right across a few lanes, and then stays (more or less) in one of the left lanes. During the course of the minute or so that I was behind him, he drifted back and forth quite a bit.

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Tuesday, March 4th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Cell Phone Driving

While driving south on I-215 today, the lady next to me decided the phone she was using was more important than paying attention to the road. I noticed her first as I approached and she nearly slid into the front of my car. After going over the video, I noticed she’d drifted to the opposite side of the lane before I got to her. After I passed, and likely from her near collision with me, she seemed to get things together for at least the next few miles.

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Friday, December 27th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Cell Phone Driving

While driving home today, I noticed that the car in front of my was drifting from side to side in their lane. As I got closer, the drifting intensified, and upon passing the car, I noticed that the girl driving was glancing down frequently at her cell phone… Hoorah for cell phone driving…

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Tuesday, October 8th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Impatient Car Shuffle

While driving in the auto mall area off of 10600 South in Sandy, one of the employees ferrying cars from one lot to another decided it would be a good idea to turn right in front of me, meander down the road like he wasn’t sure where to go, and then dart across traffic again to his destination lot.

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Tuesday, July 30th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Backing Without Looking

While driving in the Sams Club parking lot around 11400 S, a van decided to back up without checking first. Luckily I noticed what she was doing and stopped, as she didn’t notice me until she was all the way back.

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Tuesday, July 30th, 2013 Videos No Comments