
Semi Merging

During the snowstorm today a semi next to me suddenly decided it was a good idea to merge into my lane with no kind of signal or warning. Luckily he stopped when I honked at him.

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Friday, December 16th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Semi Water Spray

While driving in the rain today I was to the left of a semi. Due to construction-related road unevenness, there were pools of standing water periodically. As the semi went through them it set up jets of water across the neighboring lanes (including mine). at one point the jets went probably 15-20ft into the air (hard to tell against the background clouds).

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Friday, December 16th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Drifting Semi

The semi ahead of me on the left started drifting over into my lane. The car right in front of me ended up moving out of the way to avoid being sideswiped.

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Monday, February 23rd, 2015 Videos No Comments

Semi Wreck

On the rather infamous I-215/I-15 southbound connection, a semi loaded with quite a few giant steel beams hit a Utah DOT truck. It’s not the most exciting clip in the world, but if you pause it, you can get a decent view of what happened.
For more information, the wreck also earned an article on KSL.

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Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 Videos No Comments