Smart Move

Truck vs Car

On the merger from I-215 to I-15 a car decided it was going to try and beat a truck just as the lanes merged. The truck ended up having to swerve out of the way as the car ran out of room and was forced over.

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Tuesday, September 27th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Red Light Turn

While at the Walmart on 114th S off I-15 the light turned green for me, but the white truck decided it would just take too long to wait for his light to turn green, and so came through his now-red light anyway.


Thursday, September 8th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Intelligent Cutoff

While driving to work this morning I was nearly the only car within a mile. That didn’t stop someone from getting on the freeway and immediately moving right in front of me – despite my moving over a lane to allow me room to pass him.

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Tuesday, July 12th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Very Very Orange

While driving back tonight a light turned green for me a short time after which someone decided to come through the light that was red for them. They were going so fast that they had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a car that’d turned in front of them.

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Wednesday, June 29th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Planned Exit

This morning I had just merged onto the freeway and was going faster than the cars in the second lane. As I was approaching an SUV near the exit to I-215, they realized that they really wanted to be on that offramp. I slowed suddenly, they hopped over a couple lanes, and just barely made their exit.

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Wednesday, June 29th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Perfect Stop

While driving on 7th E today I came up on a light. Coming from the cross direction, a car decided that they had to get out in front of me (despite my being the only car on the road) and barely even slowed as they turned the corner on a red light.

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Monday, June 27th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Merging Issues

As I approached the 114th S exit on I-15 today, the light at the 106th exit had been green. Thus there were several cars entering the freeway all at the same time that me and the other cars around me were trying to exit.
One car in particular was rather impatient to move over, and nearly was sideswiped by the car he tried to go around as they merged onto the freeway a split second after he did.

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Friday, March 4th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Car Almost Hits Train

Thanks to LZDash for this submission! Check out his channel for more.

While at a stoplight waiting for a TRAX train, the car to the left decided not to wait and instead ran the light (and could’ve run into the train if they’d not turned).

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Thursday, February 4th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Left Turn Slowdown

Thanks to LZDash for this submission! Check out his channel for more.

A car decided to turn left, but due to a bit of a pileup in the shared middle turn lane, they would’ve been hit had the oncoming traffic not slowed down.

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Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016 Videos No Comments

Skip a Lane

Immediately after getting on the freeway, this car decided it was imperative that he get over two lanes as quickly as possible – without any kind of signal and regardless of the speed of the traffic in the lane. I happened to be the one in that lane and nearly ran into him.

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Monday, January 18th, 2016 Videos No Comments