Speedy Gonzales

BMW Race

While driving south on I-215 today, I glanced in my rear-view mirror and noticed a pair of cars coming quickly down the road behind me. I wasn’t driving too slowly (as you can tell from the video, I was passing traffic relatively quickly), but they both flew by me.
Up ahead there was a car driving slowly in the fast lane, and they both had to brake hard in order to avoid rear-ending him. They both ended up going around him on the right side, then continuing their race of sorts.


Saturday, January 18th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Porsche Passing

While driving home from work today, I again almost got run into on the I-215 to I-15 connection. This time I was behind a truck. He’d slowed down, so I did as well. I was well past the point where the three lanes merge down to two, and there were perhaps 5ft remaining off my left side to the approaching yellow line.
As I was going, I saw a red thing approaching with great speed behind me in my rearview mirror. It turned out to be a Porsche who decided that he wanted to get around me.
He whizzed by with one tire on each side of the orange line, and would’ve run off the edge of the freeway had I not slowed suddenly for him. After getting to I-15, he took off towards the left lanes and was shortly gone from sight, though I was going a bit over the speed limit myself.
A very intelligent move…

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Monday, August 26th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Pick a Lane

Today was actually quite exciting as far as videos go; especially for a Utah holiday.  I had been driving for several minutes on I-215 while returning from work, and was thinking that I probably wouldn’t have any videos from today. To my surprise, I got two in a matter of minutes!

A few minutes after thinking the above, while driving westbound on I-215, I was overtaken by a nice BMW.  The semi next to me moved over, and then the BMW came flying through the gap.  It was going probably 85.  As I watched him speed off, he started drifting into the “exit-only” lane to get on I-15 sb.  Then, as a semi moved over in front of him, he abruptly reversed course back into the second lane. He drove off without incident, but it could’ve been messy if there were more cars on the road.

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Thursday, July 25th, 2013 Videos No Comments