
Car Almost Hits Train

Thanks to LZDash for this submission! Check out his channel for more.

While at a stoplight waiting for a TRAX train, the car to the left decided not to wait and instead ran the light (and could’ve run into the train if they’d not turned).

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Thursday, February 4th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Left Turn Slowdown

Thanks to LZDash for this submission! Check out his channel for more.

A car decided to turn left, but due to a bit of a pileup in the shared middle turn lane, they would’ve been hit had the oncoming traffic not slowed down.

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Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016 Videos No Comments

Aggressive Merging

Thanks to Duncan for the submission!

“I see this stunt happen quite a lot during my short commute. It doesn’t always happen to me but I see it being done to many others at this merge. It typically happens more on my way home that on my way to work. I was travelling North on I-215 heading home. The traffic was quite light, as it was about 6:30pm. I-80 merges with I-215 before the 7th north exit. I noticed this SUV approaching from the I-80 lane but didn’t realize he HAD to get in front of me. there was no -one for quite some distance behind me and when I realized he was unhappy with having to slow down to 65MPH and already alongside me I had no where to move over to get out of his way.”

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Thursday, July 16th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Who’s lane is it anyway?

We have another submission from Duncan!

He reports:
“It’s not too easy to see but she was not looking forward when I had already stopped and she was in the lane, I was in two minds about reversing to get out of the way. Not an easy junction to pull that stunt and I believe there is a NO LEFT turn sign in that filling station, but I could be wrong.

This camera is a curse.”

The video can be found on youtube here.

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Friday, June 26th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Running a Red Light

Thanks to our first submission from Duncan!

“I just installed a dashcam to my car in case I had to use any recordings. I didn’t expect to see anything out of the ordinary on the 2nd day I had it installed. Approaching a Green light and someone runs the red from the right. I don’t think even noticed what they did.”

The video can be found on youtube here.

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Friday, June 12th, 2015 Videos No Comments