Traffic Ballet

Driving through Floodwaters

There was a sudden cloudburst this afternoon. The Sandy storm drains were overwhelmed and lower areas saw water flooding out of the storm drains. This can be seen in the video, as can two large pools that covered 13th East. On the second one there was a stalled car. One of the cars was unable to drive through the pool and apparently flooded.

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Thursday, August 8th, 2019 Videos No Comments

Lane Change Ballet

Despite being the middle of the day, there was a rather large amount of traffic at the I-15/I-215 interchange. This caused a large amount of quick lane changes; making a nice interweaving of merges.


Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 Videos No Comments

Yet Another Close Call

While driving home today, there was yet another close call at the I-215/I-15 interchange. There were a series of cars in front of me. They were following the usual behavior pattern for the area – try to go as fast as possible, pass as many cars as possible, and merge at the very last second. This time it happened with two cars in a row, and the second car nearly caused a collision when he tried to drift over into the already occupied space.

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Monday, September 9th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Exit Fun

When exiting at the I-15 11400S exit, this rather strange dance took place. The white truck in front of me engaged in a tenuous faceoff with the red car to his left. The red car appeared to be moving over (according to his signal) but never actually moved. Running out of space, the white truck slowed way down, and then was finally able to get over just before the his lane became an exit.

Shortly thereafter, a blue truck realized that he needed to get off at that exit and sped through the narrow gap between them; narrowly making the exit.

As an additional note, the cloud along the top of the frame is smoke from the fire out in Tooele.

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Tuesday, August 13th, 2013 Videos No Comments