Very Orange

Red Truck Miss

The red truck that passes me at the beginning of the vid narrowly missed a collision in the intersection. He had his blinker on as if to turn right (though he wasn’t in the right turn lane), but then went through the intersection when the light went yellow – just as a car tried to turn left. The red truck ended up turning to the right suddenly to miss the other car and narrowly missed him.

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Thursday, January 5th, 2017 Videos No Comments

In Red Light Intersection

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Friday, October 14th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Very Very Orange

While driving back tonight a light turned green for me a short time after which someone decided to come through the light that was red for them. They were going so fast that they had to slam on the brakes to avoid hitting a car that’d turned in front of them.

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Wednesday, June 29th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Perfect Stop

While driving on 7th E today I came up on a light. Coming from the cross direction, a car decided that they had to get out in front of me (despite my being the only car on the road) and barely even slowed as they turned the corner on a red light.

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Monday, June 27th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Car Almost Hits Train

Thanks to LZDash for this submission! Check out his channel for more.

While at a stoplight waiting for a TRAX train, the car to the left decided not to wait and instead ran the light (and could’ve run into the train if they’d not turned).

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Thursday, February 4th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Very Very Orange

At the intersection of State Street and 106th South, a car made a left turn long after the light had turned red – even with the few second grace period, he was nearly in the middle of the intersection when cars started moving the other way.

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Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 Videos No Comments

Running a Red Light

Thanks to our first submission from Duncan!

“I just installed a dashcam to my car in case I had to use any recordings. I didn’t expect to see anything out of the ordinary on the 2nd day I had it installed. Approaching a Green light and someone runs the red from the right. I don’t think even noticed what they did.”

The video can be found on youtube here.

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Friday, June 12th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Bus Through Red Light

I was sitting at a stoplight when it turned green. A second or two after (just as cars on both directions started moving through the intersection), a bus came barreling through the intersection. Apparently the driver decided that the light was just a ‘little’ yellow, and once it turned red it was too late to stop. Had it been another second or two later, it would been a rather large wreck

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Wednesday, April 16th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Snowy Roads

Due to it snowing quite hard all day, even in the afternoon, the roads were still coated with a good quantity of slush. At least one truck I was near decided to gun it through a yellow light.

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Friday, December 20th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Winter Storm Cleon – Daytime Driving

From my previous video, the driving conditions slowly worsened throughout the day. By the time I drove home, there was still quite a bit of snow on I-215 and I-15. Many of the local roads were still coated with snow as well.
In the course of my driving on the freeway, I passed a car that had spun out on the side of the freeway as well as a wreck. After getting off of the freeway, there was a garbage truck that blew through a very “orange” light and a car that either couldn’t stop in time for a red light due to the road conditions, or almost ran it.
Quite a few close calls, but not many actual wrecks. Fairly good for the first major storm. There’s quite a bit of ambient driving, so I’d scan through the video for the interesting parts.

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Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 Videos No Comments