Way to Signal

Red Truck Miss

The red truck that passes me at the beginning of the vid narrowly missed a collision in the intersection. He had his blinker on as if to turn right (though he wasn’t in the right turn lane), but then went through the intersection when the light went yellow – just as a car tried to turn left. The red truck ended up turning to the right suddenly to miss the other car and narrowly missed him.

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Thursday, January 5th, 2017 Videos No Comments

Merging without Looking

For the second time in as many commutes, someone attempted to merge into my lane without signal and would’ve hit me unless I honked at them. In today’s instance, it was an elderly lady who turned the corner apparently without noticing me, and then began moving over to make her turn. After my honk, she was somewhat frantically waving her arms; both in apology to me and then also seemed to be yelling at herself after I’d passed her.

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Monday, December 19th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Semi Merging

During the snowstorm today a semi next to me suddenly decided it was a good idea to merge into my lane with no kind of signal or warning. Luckily he stopped when I honked at him.

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Friday, December 16th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Skip a Lane

Immediately after getting on the freeway, this car decided it was imperative that he get over two lanes as quickly as possible – without any kind of signal and regardless of the speed of the traffic in the lane. I happened to be the one in that lane and nearly ran into him.

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Monday, January 18th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Mall Madness

With Christmas approaching, the entrances to the mall around the 106th S exit become rather hectic. Today was no exception. Some cars decided that waiting in line wasn’t good enough for them, attempting to merge late and essentially cut the line. Some pass the light on State Street and then flip around a few hundred yards thereafter.
This video has both.

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Wednesday, December 16th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Drifting into My Lane

While driving along 7th East today, the car next to me just drifted over into my lane. They only signaled or seemed to notice me when I slammed on my brakes and honked.

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Saturday, November 7th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Lane Chane Problems

While driving in downtown SLC today, the truck in front of me nearly merged into the car next to him when changing lanes. I believe his blinker/taillight was out on that side, which certainly didn’t help – he may have been signaling, but there was no way for anyone else to tell.

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Thursday, November 5th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Exit Lane Hop

While on my way to work this morning, I was in the far right lane. There was an SUV in the lane next to me. We were approaching the exit for the SLC airport, when he suddenly decided he had to get off there.
He immediately started changing lanes, and threw on his blinker about half way over. I was forced to slam on my brakes and swerve into the unoccupied exit-only lane to miss the back portion of his vehicle.

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Monday, September 22nd, 2014 Videos No Comments

Almost Missed His Exit

While driving in the awesome rain today, the big truck that was in the process of passing me suddenly realized that he needed to get off the exit we were driving by. With a beautiful job of signaling, he immediately hopped across my lane, the emergency lane, and narrowly made his exit. As I passed him, I noticed he was talking on a cell phone…

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Saturday, August 24th, 2013 Videos No Comments

Almost Off the Road

The interchange from I-215 to I-15 has recently been modified to extend the amount of room that there are 3 lanes available. Unfortunately, the interchange still goes down to two lanes right before merging with I-15. This 3-to-2 lane merging has been problematic, and many cars in the left lane tend to wait until the very last minute to merge over once the left lane ends.
I was driving in the middle lane. The guy next to me decided that he was going to wait until the last possible minute to move over, and almost ran himself off of the road. When he finally cut over, it was without signal and he almost clipped the front of my car.
You can see the lines end between the middle and left lanes, and then he continues speeding up on my left side. It doesn’t look as close from the dashcam in the middle of my windshield, but it was a close thing.

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Friday, August 2nd, 2013 Videos No Comments