Archive for February, 2014

Traffic Tango

On the weekend, there are many cars trying to turn off to the mall and other shopping locations off of 106th South. This causes quite the backup for anyone trying to get further towards the mountains. Luckily, this time I was able to get around the traffic without much delay.

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Saturday, February 15th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Yield Fail

While driving today, a car coming onto the freeway opposite me decided to try and merge with my lane. The yield sign was on his side (only one lane merged from there, whereas two merged from my side). Had he accelerated a bit faster, he would’ve been fine, but as it was he ended up having to slam on his brakes just before hitting me.

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Saturday, February 15th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Red Light Dance

As I approached the entrance to the freeway, the light turned red. There was a car about to turn into the same entrance I was going to, so I waited for him. A lane over behind me, a car decided to gun it through the light, and nearly collided with the car. The car’s avoidance maneuver is most visible if you make the video larger (it looks like a very slight move otherwise).


Tuesday, February 4th, 2014 Videos No Comments