Archive for April, 2014

Wrong Exit

This one is a bit harder to see than many (I was further back when it happened), so you may want to expand to fullscreen.
While driving south on I-15 today, there was a red sports car that got stuck in one of the exit-only lanes. The truck next to him was in the right lane of the regular travel ones, and was getting off the freeway. The sports car sped up and tried to pass the truck before the exit, but ran out of room. He tried to move over just as the truck began to exit the freeway, and the two nearly collided. At the last moment, he slammed on his brakes and then hopped over into the right lane of continuing traffic.

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Tuesday, April 29th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Spring Storm and Wreck

While driving early this morning, one of those nice spring storms came up suddenly. It quickly intensified, and I ended up slowing down to about 1/2 the speed limit. At one point, I’m pretty sure it was hailing, though it could’ve just been large raindrops.
After I got past the main brunt of the storm, I came upon a large wreck (right at the end of the video). It was quite severe – it appeared that one car had slid into the wall and then been run into by a small suv. The front of the car was crushed rather badly, as was one side of the jeep.
A bit later in the day, I chanced upon this article on KSL (the accident captured in my dashcam is mentioned about 2/3 down the page).
Later that night, KSL posted a followup article with more information on the lady killed in the wreck. It can be found here. She was a BYU dance teacher.

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Sunday, April 27th, 2014 Videos 1 Comment

Wreck on 106th

Driving up 106th S by the Trax line, I came upon the scene of a recent accident. Cars involved were only just barely pulling off to the side of the road, and sirens were sounding in the distance (there is a fire station about a half mile away on 7th E).
Apparently, the black truck with a trailer had been turning left and been hit head-on by a black car (visible through the fence in the yard of the corner house around 0:23).
The whole front end of the black car was crumpled in, and apparently the impact had sent it flying through the chain-link fence into the front yard of the house. On the truck, its front driver-side axle was crushed in, with the tire almost horizontal.

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Friday, April 18th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Bus Through Red Light

I was sitting at a stoplight when it turned green. A second or two after (just as cars on both directions started moving through the intersection), a bus came barreling through the intersection. Apparently the driver decided that the light was just a ‘little’ yellow, and once it turned red it was too late to stop. Had it been another second or two later, it would been a rather large wreck

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Wednesday, April 16th, 2014 Videos No Comments


The car in front of me was clearly looking for a certain house or street to turn into, and as a result, drifted back and forth rather severely.

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Wednesday, April 9th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Missing the Pressure Sensors

While waiting at a stoplight today, I noticed that the cars next to me in the turning lane had not proceeded far enough to be on the pressure sensors. Luckily for them, it was the middle of the day with busy traffic, so it didn’t matter too much. However, if they’d come to a stop like that in the middle of the night, the light may never have changed for them, as they wouldn’t be detected by the sensors.
Missing Pressure Sensor

Tuesday, April 8th, 2014 Other No Comments