Archive for May, 2014

114th Wreck

Driving through the 114th S and 7th E intersection, I passed a rather recent wreck. The cops had apparently just arrived, and people were still checking the cars. It appeared that one car had been in the intersection when the other light turned green, and had been hit by it (though it doesn’t look like either ran a red/orange light, as there were no tire skid marks, there was not a ton of damage, and the cars were barely dented.


Thursday, May 15th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Triple-Trailer Fun

On my drive down I-15 this morning, I ended up behind a semi towing three trailers. It seemed to be having issues drifting back and forth slightly, and any of the minor course corrections were amplified by the number of trailers, such that the final one was going back and forth by almost half a lane each time.


Thursday, May 15th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Hazardous Merging

A couple panel trucks were in the right lane where it merged near the California Ave exit on I-215. A car coming in from the onramp on the left was nearly hit by both trucks right in a row as they tried to move over when he was there. Both managed to catch themselves before a collision occurred, but there is some noticeable swerving.

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Monday, May 12th, 2014 Videos No Comments