Archive for December, 2015

Hogging the Empty Freeway

On the way back from work today, a car entered the freeway a half mile or so in front of me. He then proceeded (on the almost empty freeway) to hop over three lanes until he was directly in front of me – and this with my quickly approaching from behind him. He then sat in the lane while I drove around him, like it was a perfectly normal thing to deliberately enter the only occupied lane and deliberately drive slower than the car already in it.

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Friday, December 25th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Stoplight Wreck

While on the way to the new Star Wars movie tonight, I passed a wreck on Bangerter where a car had apparently not been paying attention and ended up plowing into the cars stopped at the light. There were a good 4-5 cars involved, as the impact traveled up the vehicle chain.

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Thursday, December 17th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Mall Madness

With Christmas approaching, the entrances to the mall around the 106th S exit become rather hectic. Today was no exception. Some cars decided that waiting in line wasn’t good enough for them, attempting to merge late and essentially cut the line. Some pass the light on State Street and then flip around a few hundred yards thereafter.
This video has both.

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Wednesday, December 16th, 2015 Videos No Comments

12-14 Record Breaking Storm

This morning marked the first big snow storm in Salt Lake. Over the course of the day, we got about a foot of snow. This provided some interesting morning driving weather.
Merging from I-15 to I-215 proves exciting with any kind of inclement weather, and today was no exception – there was a Prius who’d spun around after smashing their left headlight against the side wall.

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Monday, December 14th, 2015 Videos No Comments