Definitely Paying Attention to the Road

Hogging the Empty Freeway

On the way back from work today, a car entered the freeway a half mile or so in front of me. He then proceeded (on the almost empty freeway) to hop over three lanes until he was directly in front of me – and this with my quickly approaching from behind him. He then sat in the lane while I drove around him, like it was a perfectly normal thing to deliberately enter the only occupied lane and deliberately drive slower than the car already in it.

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Friday, December 25th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Stoplight Wreck

While on the way to the new Star Wars movie tonight, I passed a wreck on Bangerter where a car had apparently not been paying attention and ended up plowing into the cars stopped at the light. There were a good 4-5 cars involved, as the impact traveled up the vehicle chain.

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Thursday, December 17th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Drifting into My Lane

While driving along 7th East today, the car next to me just drifted over into my lane. They only signaled or seemed to notice me when I slammed on my brakes and honked.

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Saturday, November 7th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Lane Chane Problems

While driving in downtown SLC today, the truck in front of me nearly merged into the car next to him when changing lanes. I believe his blinker/taillight was out on that side, which certainly didn’t help – he may have been signaling, but there was no way for anyone else to tell.

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Thursday, November 5th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Lane Merge Close Call

Right before the exit from I-215 south to I-80, a guy in a truck merged to the right lane apparently without checking for cars in the right lane. He noticed too late that there was a car there, and so started a back-and-forth as he decided which lane to stay in.

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Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 Videos No Comments

Left Turn Slipup

The car in front of me went to follow the next car in turning left. It misjudged the gap and had to avert its course to avoid being hit by the oncoming car.

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Thursday, July 30th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Smart Backup Job

While driving north along 7th E tonight, a car from one of the houses backing the street decided they were going to back out of their driveway – right into the middle of the street and directly in my travel path. Had I not quickly slowed down, I’d have T-Boned them a few seconds later.

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Friday, November 28th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Well-Planned U-Turn

The car in front of me decided to turn into a strip mall near the 100th S. Unfortunately the parking lot entrance he chose was closed – the lot was being repaved.
Apparently frustrated, he decided to do a U turn and go back to a prior entrance. Unfortunately I was only a bit behind him, and nearly hit him as he turned in front of me.

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Friday, October 10th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Missed His Exit

At the exact same spot where yesterday’s video happened, I watched yet another guy have issues with the exit. Apparently this guy missed the exit, but decided he urgently had to get off there anyway.
He went off the freeway into the shoulder, crossed over to the offramp, and waited there for an opening (this is when I drove past). After I passed him, I looked back, and he’d hoped across the Northbound I-15 ramp, over to the Southbound ramp that I was going on – a rather dangerous maneuver.

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Friday, August 8th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Cell Phone Turning

While approaching the I-15/I-215 interchange, I noticed that the guy in front of me was weaving back and forth in his lane a bit. As I got closer, I realized that he was focusing on a cell phone conversation, and only catching his drifting as he was about to cross over into the other lane.

As we got closer to the exit, he began to drift toward it, but not nearly fast enough to actually make the exit. He corrected in the nick of time, just as he was about to hit the exit sign.

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Thursday, August 7th, 2014 Videos No Comments