I Can Drive in the Rain!

Driving through Floodwaters

There was a sudden cloudburst this afternoon. The Sandy storm drains were overwhelmed and lower areas saw water flooding out of the storm drains. This can be seen in the video, as can two large pools that covered 13th East. On the second one there was a stalled car. One of the cars was unable to drive through the pool and apparently flooded.

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Thursday, August 8th, 2019 Videos No Comments

Semi Water Spray

While driving in the rain today I was to the left of a semi. Due to construction-related road unevenness, there were pools of standing water periodically. As the semi went through them it set up jets of water across the neighboring lanes (including mine). at one point the jets went probably 15-20ft into the air (hard to tell against the background clouds).

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Friday, December 16th, 2016 Videos No Comments

Utah Morning Monsoon 2

As with a few days ago, I again encountered a Utah Monsoon on the way to work. When I left for work it was dry and windy, but on the way it soon started sprinkling. After a few minutes, I suddenly reached a point where it was raining so hard that the water couldn’t run off fast enough, and was pooling on the freeway. It was fun to drive through – a bit of hydroplaning, lots of splashing, kind of like driving through a large puddle. Then it was suddenly no longer raining.


Wednesday, August 20th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Utah Morning Monsoon

This morning I drove through another of the Utah Monsoons. When I left for work it was dry and windy, but on the way it soon started sprinkling. After a few minutes, I suddenly reached a point where it was raining so hard that the water couldn’t run off fast enough, and was pooling on the freeway. The continuing rain was visibly splashing into this standing water.
Additionally, There were a few cool moments of lightning that were caught on the cam, and I threw those at the beginning.


Thursday, August 14th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Utah Monsoon Driving

This afternoon I drove through one of the Utah Monsoons that have caused so much flooding over the past few days. I was just driving along under the clouds, when it started sprinkling. Then, after a moment or two, it was suddenly raining hard enough that the water on the freeway couldn’t run off fast enough, and we were in danger of hydroplaning. After a minute or so of heavy rain, it stopped as suddenly as it’d started, and then cleared up rapidly.


Wednesday, August 6th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Spring Storm and Wreck

While driving early this morning, one of those nice spring storms came up suddenly. It quickly intensified, and I ended up slowing down to about 1/2 the speed limit. At one point, I’m pretty sure it was hailing, though it could’ve just been large raindrops.
After I got past the main brunt of the storm, I came upon a large wreck (right at the end of the video). It was quite severe – it appeared that one car had slid into the wall and then been run into by a small suv. The front of the car was crushed rather badly, as was one side of the jeep.
A bit later in the day, I chanced upon this article on KSL (the accident captured in my dashcam is mentioned about 2/3 down the page).
Later that night, KSL posted a followup article with more information on the lady killed in the wreck. It can be found here. She was a BYU dance teacher.

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Sunday, April 27th, 2014 Videos 1 Comment

Draper Rain

There have been several recent rainstorms recently in Utah. I happened to be driving through a rather intense part of one today. Getting off the freeway, the surface appeared totally smooth aside from the rain impacts, as there was a layer of water on the surface.
At the second stop light, it is raining hard enough that there is an inch or so of water flowing around the cars, and the cars leave wakes when traveling through the intersection. There are a few bumps and dips in the road which cause large splashes.


Friday, September 13th, 2013 Videos No Comments