Nice Lane Change

Drifting into My Lane

While driving along 7th East today, the car next to me just drifted over into my lane. They only signaled or seemed to notice me when I slammed on my brakes and honked.

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Saturday, November 7th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Lane Chane Problems

While driving in downtown SLC today, the truck in front of me nearly merged into the car next to him when changing lanes. I believe his blinker/taillight was out on that side, which certainly didn’t help – he may have been signaling, but there was no way for anyone else to tell.

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Thursday, November 5th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Lane Merge Close Call

Right before the exit from I-215 south to I-80, a guy in a truck merged to the right lane apparently without checking for cars in the right lane. He noticed too late that there was a car there, and so started a back-and-forth as he decided which lane to stay in.

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Thursday, October 22nd, 2015 Videos No Comments

Attentive Lane Changing

A brand new silver car was driving in front of me. As we came to the I-15/I-215 merge, the silver car tried to move over to the far right lane. However, during this time, an SUV merged from the right; occupying the same space that the silver car was trying to enter. Perhaps due to driving a new car, the silver car driver barely noticed the SUV in time.

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Friday, March 20th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Intelligent Lane Change

I was driving through the I-215/SR 201 interchange today when a car decided that the others merging with him were driving too slow. He hopped across two lanes to end up right in front of me – despite my being very close and coming up fast. He even had second thoughts about it and almost decided it was smarter not to hop in front of me (you can tell by how he hesitates).
Had I not braked quickly, I’d probably have rear-ended him.

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Friday, March 13th, 2015 Videos No Comments

Clearly Paying Attention

This morning I was driving in the middle-left lane, with an SUV on my right in the middle-right lane. We were both going about the same speed, and had been that way for the past several miles.
Ahead of us was a small car, and we were probably going a good 10-15 mph faster than him – we caught up to him in short order.
As we both quickly approached this small white car, he apparently decided that he needed to get over immediately, so he turned on his blinker and hopped right in front of the SUV next to me.
Had the SUV not immediately slammed on his brakes and hopped to the lane from whence the car came, he would’ve rammed it from behind.

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Friday, October 3rd, 2014 Videos No Comments

Exit Lane Hop

While on my way to work this morning, I was in the far right lane. There was an SUV in the lane next to me. We were approaching the exit for the SLC airport, when he suddenly decided he had to get off there.
He immediately started changing lanes, and threw on his blinker about half way over. I was forced to slam on my brakes and swerve into the unoccupied exit-only lane to miss the back portion of his vehicle.

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Monday, September 22nd, 2014 Videos No Comments

Weave Lane

The white SUV on the left side caught up quickly to the car in front of him. He elected to pass on the right, but after changing lanes, realized that there was an upcoming car in that lane going even slower. So he slammed on his brakes, hopped back over a couple lanes, and hit the gas.

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Thursday, June 26th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Hazardous Merging

A couple panel trucks were in the right lane where it merged near the California Ave exit on I-215. A car coming in from the onramp on the left was nearly hit by both trucks right in a row as they tried to move over when he was there. Both managed to catch themselves before a collision occurred, but there is some noticeable swerving.

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Monday, May 12th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Wrong Exit

This one is a bit harder to see than many (I was further back when it happened), so you may want to expand to fullscreen.
While driving south on I-15 today, there was a red sports car that got stuck in one of the exit-only lanes. The truck next to him was in the right lane of the regular travel ones, and was getting off the freeway. The sports car sped up and tried to pass the truck before the exit, but ran out of room. He tried to move over just as the truck began to exit the freeway, and the two nearly collided. At the last moment, he slammed on his brakes and then hopped over into the right lane of continuing traffic.

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Tuesday, April 29th, 2014 Videos No Comments