
Stoplight Wreck

While on the way to the new Star Wars movie tonight, I passed a wreck on Bangerter where a car had apparently not been paying attention and ended up plowing into the cars stopped at the light. There were a good 4-5 cars involved, as the impact traveled up the vehicle chain.

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Thursday, December 17th, 2015 Videos No Comments

12-14 Record Breaking Storm

This morning marked the first big snow storm in Salt Lake. Over the course of the day, we got about a foot of snow. This provided some interesting morning driving weather.
Merging from I-15 to I-215 proves exciting with any kind of inclement weather, and today was no exception – there was a Prius who’d spun around after smashing their left headlight against the side wall.

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Monday, December 14th, 2015 Videos No Comments

114th Wreck

Driving through the 114th S and 7th E intersection, I passed a rather recent wreck. The cops had apparently just arrived, and people were still checking the cars. It appeared that one car had been in the intersection when the other light turned green, and had been hit by it (though it doesn’t look like either ran a red/orange light, as there were no tire skid marks, there was not a ton of damage, and the cars were barely dented.


Thursday, May 15th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Spring Storm and Wreck

While driving early this morning, one of those nice spring storms came up suddenly. It quickly intensified, and I ended up slowing down to about 1/2 the speed limit. At one point, I’m pretty sure it was hailing, though it could’ve just been large raindrops.
After I got past the main brunt of the storm, I came upon a large wreck (right at the end of the video). It was quite severe – it appeared that one car had slid into the wall and then been run into by a small suv. The front of the car was crushed rather badly, as was one side of the jeep.
A bit later in the day, I chanced upon this article on KSL (the accident captured in my dashcam is mentioned about 2/3 down the page).
Later that night, KSL posted a followup article with more information on the lady killed in the wreck. It can be found here. She was a BYU dance teacher.

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Sunday, April 27th, 2014 Videos 1 Comment

Wreck on 106th

Driving up 106th S by the Trax line, I came upon the scene of a recent accident. Cars involved were only just barely pulling off to the side of the road, and sirens were sounding in the distance (there is a fire station about a half mile away on 7th E).
Apparently, the black truck with a trailer had been turning left and been hit head-on by a black car (visible through the fence in the yard of the corner house around 0:23).
The whole front end of the black car was crumpled in, and apparently the impact had sent it flying through the chain-link fence into the front yard of the house. On the truck, its front driver-side axle was crushed in, with the tire almost horizontal.

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Friday, April 18th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Semi Wreck

On the rather infamous I-215/I-15 southbound connection, a semi loaded with quite a few giant steel beams hit a Utah DOT truck. It’s not the most exciting clip in the world, but if you pause it, you can get a decent view of what happened.
For more information, the wreck also earned an article on KSL.

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Tuesday, January 28th, 2014 Videos No Comments

Winter Storm Cleon – Daytime Driving

From my previous video, the driving conditions slowly worsened throughout the day. By the time I drove home, there was still quite a bit of snow on I-215 and I-15. Many of the local roads were still coated with snow as well.
In the course of my driving on the freeway, I passed a car that had spun out on the side of the freeway as well as a wreck. After getting off of the freeway, there was a garbage truck that blew through a very “orange” light and a car that either couldn’t stop in time for a red light due to the road conditions, or almost ran it.
Quite a few close calls, but not many actual wrecks. Fairly good for the first major storm. There’s quite a bit of ambient driving, so I’d scan through the video for the interesting parts.

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Tuesday, December 3rd, 2013 Videos No Comments

Cop Doesn’t Stop for Accident

While driving home from work today, there was a wreck at the I-215/I-15 interchange. This is hardly exciting (just take a look at all the other videos I’ve posted here of close calls at the same place), but there was a rather interesting thing that happened with this one.
The wreck was still quite new – the drivers were still getting out of their cars to see what happened. As I passed cars in the left lane, I noticed that there was a highway patrolman there (UHP 058 or 059, I don’t remember which precisely, and I can’t tell which from the video). He started trying to get over to stop and help (you can see his turn signal start going), but as he passes the wreck, he seems to think better of it and drives off. I followed him past several exits before losing sight of him, and he never seemed to return to the scene.
I found this rather odd; but before totally jumping on the patrolman for not stopping at the scene of the accident, please understand that I don’t know if he found out there was another cop already on the way, if he decided it wasn’t a bad enough wreck to stop (the cars were unscathed; even the license plate holders weren’t bent or broken), if he had more pressing business elsewhere, or if it was against policy in someway for him to stop.
I just found it interesting, and as with the rest of my videos, decided to post it.

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Friday, October 25th, 2013 Videos No Comments